Wickham Lawyers

End of Subclass 482 Visa

The subclass 482 visa will close to new applications by the end of 2024 and be replaced with a new ‘Skills in Demand Visa’.
While this visa will be very similar to the subclass 482 and consultation on some aspects of it is still required, some key changes have been highlighted:
  1. Rather than paying fees such as the Skilling Australia Fund upfront, a monthly payment system is being explored (subject to further consultation)
  2. Employment with any approved employer will count towards permanent residence
  3. Visa holders will have 180 days to find a new employer and have work rights during that time
  4. There will be a public register of approved sponsors which includes the number of migrants sponsored and the occupations.

Within this new visa will be visa pathways, these include:

  1. Specialist Skills Pathway for workers with a salary greater than $135,000. This is available for highly skilled migrants except trade workers, machinery operators, drivers and labourers
  2. Core Skills Pathway for targeted workforce needs. The occupation will need to be on the Core Skills Occupation List which Jobs and Skills Australia will regularly update. Salary needs to be greater than $70,000 plus superannuation
  3. Essential Skills Pathway for lower paid workers who currently need to be employed under a labour agreement. This new pathway will be sector specific with stronger regulation, minimum standards, advice from Jobs and Skills Australia and a tripartite approach.
This program may run similarly to the new Aged Care Labour Agreement introduced earlier this year.
Labour market testing
We expect more changes to the labour market testing requirement which will extend the validity of job advertisements from four months to six and possibly a move away from employer conducted labour market testing to a genuine independent verification of needs approach.
For further information, contact Wickham Lawyers at 0420 855 580


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